Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the exchange student to Rieti, which had been postponed, finally took place. The first exchange students from Ito, Yugo Ota and Hana Sato, stayed in the city of Rieti from July 24 to August 7, 2023.

佐藤 巴南 / Hana Satoh
今回このリエティ市と伊東市の交換留学プログラムに参加し、自分自身にとって大きく成長する事が出来たと感じます。日本から出て海外の暮らしを体験する事で成長できるのは勿論ですが、様々な価値観や考え方の違いを直に感じ別の視点から物事を考える力がついたり、学んだ言語を実際に使う事で、自分の語学力を改めて知ることが出来たりと多くの発見に溢れた2 週間だったと思います。素敵な経験をさせて頂きありがとうございました。
I feel that by participating in the exchange program between the cities of Rieti and Ito, I was able to experience significant personal growth. While it is certainly valuable to grow by experiencing life abroad, directly encountering various perspectives and ways of thinking has allowed me to consider things from different angles. Moreover, using the language I learned in practical situations has helped me better understand my own language abilities. Overall, I believe these two weeks were filled with many discoveries. Thank you for giving me this wonderful experience.
太田 侑吾 / Yugo Ohta
Through the homestay experience, I was initially anxious about whether I would be able to converse, but the people of Italy were all friendly and asked me many questions. Additionally, my host family took me to various places, for which I am truly grateful. We were able to share a lot about each other’s cultures through English and our bond. It has been a truly significant experience for my life. I want to express my sincere gratitude to the Ito Association for International Relations and the Rieti Sister City Committee. Thank you very much.